Unmatched Care | Fast and Reliable Service | Your ICU in the Sky
For a highly reliable medical evacuation and repatriation services, using a dedicated fleet of expertly equipped Air Ambulance aircraft, contact Air Rescue Group Call Centre on +971 4 253 6006 for an immediate response.
United Aviation Group’s highly pedigreed aircraft operations certificate holder Owenair, is extremely proud to be the exclusive Air Ambulance aircrafts provider to Air Rescue Group for, but not limited to, the Sub-Saharan African region.
Air Rescue Group is considered the world’s leading provider of Air Ambulance services and offers a comprehensive bed-to-bed service including hospital admission and ground ambulance arrangements. One call puts clients in touch with Air Rescue Group doctors, nurses and logistics co-ordinators.
Air Rescue Group aircrafts are equipped to the best international standards and are always staffed with Air Ambulance flight trained doctors and intensive care nurses or advanced life support paramedics who are trained in aviation and emergency medicine. The on-board teams are augmented by on-the-ground specialists who are on call throughout the day and night.